Online Store +4 +3 +2MAHJONG TILESStore/FashionSKU 00423$24.99SizesSmallMedLargeX Large1 X plus (+$4.00)2 X plus (+$4.00)3 X plus (+$4.00)Please chooseShirt StylesS/S V neckline -3/4 V neckline - (+$2.00)S/S Round Neckline -3/4 round neckline (+$2.00)ribbed cotton tank -Please chooseColorsBlackWhiteRedPlease chooseIn stockQuantity:1 Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct Details All shirts are 1st quality 60/40% cotton blend shirts Rule #2 of Bling - the darker the color the better it looks Rule #1 of Bling - you never have tooooooooooooooo many more to come I am hoping you make this site your first choice when shopping for yourself or for a great gift. Our designs are rhinestones or sometimes a combination of rhinestones & studs when the design calls for a delicate or intricate detail in the design. All our shirts are 1st quality new shirts, lots of stones & bling!!! This design is all stones, lots of little details, approx measurement is 6"x 6" Show MoreSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itMAHJONG TILESStore/Fashion